Sunday, 6 November 2016

Survey Analysis

Survey Analysis

Question 1: The first question was confirming the age of the people that completed our survey, this would give us conformation as to what target market the answers will be leaning towards. The majority of the people that completed our survey were between the ages of 15-17, the next highest percentage showed over 25’s. This lets us know that the answers that we will receive will revolve around teenagers letting us successfully and accurately direct the film opening into the specific target audience.
Question 2: This question had 72% of the answers focused on the characters age being between 18-24. This idea of the character being young and vulnerable is common in the chosen genre of social realism, so we can easily execute it within our opening scene. I believe that this was the most popular as the majority of the age range completing this survey will relate to this age the most, it could cause a more effective film opening.
Question 3: This question was about the location of the film opening and it was one of the least defined answers. Having the option of a city centre, subway, abandoned building, council house or the city outskirts. The most selected answer was the city centre with 49% but council houses closely followed with 36% of the people selecting it. The location of the film opening is limited to us as we will have to be cautious when filming in public spaces so we don’t offend anyone. We are more likely to follow the ideas of the subways and city outskirts which reached 31% and 26% respectively.
Question 4: The fourth question was one with multiple choices available but all answers had more than 20 responses. The least popular topic was prostitution at 24%, this could be because the majority of the audience that answered were teenagers or young adults and this option could cause them to be uncomfortable or upset. The most popular responses were drugs at 57% and gangs at 54%, these were both closely followed by violence at 46%. I think we are more likely to use gangs and violence over drugs in our opening scenes as where we will be filming in public areas we could cause unnecessary disruption. Homelessness reaches 38% and will be our most likely theme, this is because it will be easier for u to convey visually.
Question 5: The use of props is more prominent then not in many social realism films, this is because they are more character driven then plot driven. Their use can be effective whether they’re subtle or obviously stretched out across the scene. The use of things like beer cans and guns can clue the audience into the issues that the character may be facing. The use of money was at the highest percentage reaching 63% whilst needles were the lowest making 34%. This is something we can work into our scene, the idea of the money and the idea of gangs that was popular in the previous question could create a powerful image that has the ability to create a genre following scene that is effective yet subtle. if we chose to pursue homelessness than we can include money in a different way and not through obvious plot points.
Question 6: The character has been voted to look young and vulnerable which ties in with the idea of the victim or character in the scenes being young (18-24), this idea that the characters are to look young and vulnerable is effective as it can be more relatable to the target audience so that they feel a connection to a character which will make the film opening dramatic. The look of the characters, like the use of props, is important as it gives vital clues away as to who the character is and possibly what their actions mean. 
Question 7: The choice of music in our film opening is conforming to the drama (social realism) genre we have chosen. The most popular choices of music chosen were rap (45%) and R&B (35%), these are the most associated genres of music with gangs and the ‘rough’ lifestyle that will be instilled for the character that we have created. K- Pop was the least popular with only 3%, this is expected as this type of music is not found in this genre of film, the use of it would not be as effective as the use of rap or similar genres as it doesn’t have the spiteful feel that rap often has. 
Question 8: The use of 1-2 words in the title of our film opening will be effective if we choose the right words. As we gave the audience a chance to respond we got ideas from them, suggestions like the use of words and numbers have been taken into consideration as if they are used correctly they can support the idea of the conflict happening. The majority of the people completing the survey voted for the option of a title 1-2 words long (63%). This will also be conventional as films like 'Fish Tank' and 'Trainspotting' both have 1-2 words.
Question 9: 64% of the target audience voted for a victim to be featured in the film opening, 51% supporting the idea of the antagonist as well, there was a very low number of people selecting pedestrians be present. We gave the people completing the survey an option to include how many supporting/ secondary characters they would like present and the majority voted between 2 and three making it to be 4 (at most) characters included in the film opening. This lack of extra characters will mean that we an have more focus on the protagonist as they are the main focus of the film as it will be character driven.
Question 10: Our final question was about the time of day the film opening would take place in, for the nature of the scene we will be creating we found that the evening or night would be more appropriate, the results from our survey support this as 55% chose the evening and 33% late night. We found this helpful as it cemented the time of day we would be trying to capture in the scene. although these would be good choices it would also be harder to film. If we include homelessness in our film opening we could possibly offend actual homeless people by filming in their populated areas. it could also be an issue as the lighting will mean that the shots we get will be low quality, this will be harder to correct when we are editing.

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