Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Costume Creation- Practical

Costume Creation- Practical

To do this I used an old t-shirt that was slightly stretched and faded.

I then took the top outside to rub it in dirt to make it seem dirty, this gave the impression that the garment had been in contact with dirt before.
After brushing off any excess dirt I used some leftover red wine to make it seem as though someone had thrown a drink over the character. This gave the top red stains all down the front.

After I spilt wine onto the top I used coffee to stain one of the shoulders, this was intended to also give the impression that the coffee had been purposely spilt over the character. This was intentionally done so that the character seemed of a lower status, trying to gain sympathy from the audience as we are trying to create a social realism genre that will be realistic.
After I had stained the top I used cold water to get rid of any excess coffee grains or dirt that was sticking to the top, the water also washed off the worst of the marking on the shirt making them seem older and less prominent on the material.

Evaluation and Final Product
Looking at an image of the final product I can see that the coffee and red wine stains are very obvious on the top, this is a bad thing as they look too artificial. The practical was useful as it gave me the general scope of how far you can go before something looks fake and overly obvious. We will not be using this top in the filming.

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